Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Winter Warning: Start Thinking About Vitamin D

Transitioning into the winter months equates to less sun exposure and significantly lower levels of Vitamin D systemically. Vitamin D deficiency was once thought to be fairly rare and usually associated with a condition known as rickets, but multiple research studies are now revealing that many of us are indeed Vitamin D deficient without knowing it and it can impact various aspects of our health.

Low vitamin D levels are serious business. Not only do you need vitamin D to keep your bones strong but it also plays an important role in your immune defenses against winter colds and flus, and can help prevent cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, infertility and auto-immune diseases. According to the UV Foundation, low vitamin D levels can also lead to fatigue, depression, and aches and pains.

Fortunately, there are other ways to get your vitamin D. There aren't a whole lot of foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D. (Mackerel, sardines, and fish liver oil are among the top providers.) Because our diet does not contain a lot of vitamin D-rich foods, the government also mandates fortification of milk and baby formula with vitamin D. Other dairy products, like yogurt or cottage cheese may or may not contain additional vitamin D. The nutrient can also be taken as a dietary supplement.

However you choose to take your vitamin D, just be sure you're getting enough on a regular basis. The US Food and Nutrition Board recommends 200IU per day, but current research is indicating that that may not be enough. In the winter months I usually suggest a supplement of Vitamin D3 (the most absorbable and active form) of at least 2000IU per day (more if you have been tested and found to be deficient).

If you are concerned about your Vitamin D levels, a simple blood test can be performed by your physician to evaluate your levels.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Not So Sweet Story on High Fructose Corn Syrup

It has been hard to ignore lately, the ads running on television trying to dispel the negative reputation that high fructose corn syrup has gained over recent years. It's part of an 18-month campaign launched by the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) in effort to give high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) an image makeover. The message: High-fructose corn syrup is made from corn, has no artificial ingredients, has the same calories as sugar and is okay to eat in moderation.

There is only one problem: High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is an ingredient in so many products on the market...how could you possibly eat it in moderation? I have found it listed as an ingredient in vitamins, bread, soda, English muffins, yogurt, cereal, ketchup....the list could go on. So unless your diligently reading your labels...to moderate your consumption of high fructose corn syrup is nearly impossible.

So how did we get here? Why is the use of high fructose corn syrup so pronounced? HFCS has been used as an inexpensive sweetener since the 1970's and we saw a dramatic increase in its use throughout the 1980's as a result of the high prices of sugar import (the U.S. has a high tariff on any sugar brought into the country and very little sugar is actually produced in the United States....companies looked to HFCS as an alternative to the expensive, high taxed natural sugar). To them it’s simply a product that people buy so they want to make it as cheap as they possibly can to increase their own profits at the expense of public health.

So if HFCS is "good for you", "natural" and made from corn, what could possibly be the drawback? Let's take a look at corn. Contrary to popular belief...it is NOT a vegetable, it is a grain. Grains are metabolized by our bodies into sugars very rapidly and cause a huge spike in blood sugar, thus requiring an outpouring of insulin from the pancreas further straining this already so overworked organ. This is one of the major contributors to the massive increase in type II diabetes, obesity and systemic inflammation. Not to mention that several disease states from high cholesterol, heart disease, Alzheimer's and osteoporosis have also been linked to HFCS.

Just because something is touted as being "natural" does not mean that it is healthy. HFCS is in actuality an entirely man-made substance. Nearly indestructible and stable. That is why it is used often as a preservative for foods, not only a sweetener.

We are all well aware that sugar itself is not a purely healthy food. Moderation IS the key. But, unlike with HFCS, many of us know which products contain sugar. It is not hidden as a preservative in food products. In the end, it is much easier to moderate in our diets and is naturally sweet not laboratory made.

In the end, read your labels. Eat natural, whole foods.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Good Nights Sleep...Insomnia Relief.

Insomnia is estimated to affect more than half of the U.S. adult population. Insomnia can take many different forms: difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, waking up too early, or waking up feeling unrefreshed. In a survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 58% of adults reported having insomnia at least a few nights a week.

Aside from the ever popular sleep aids and medications such as Ambien, what can one do if experiencing sleep difficulties? Good "Sleep Hygiene" is very important. Here are a few ways to naturally promote a good nights sleep:

  • Have a routine: Make your bedtime the same time every night. Even on weekends. Wake up the same time every morning.

  • The bedroom is a place for sleep: Make sure your bedroom is an ideal place for sleep: Keep it dark and avoid having bright lights from the alarm clock or television. Block out any noise. Also, try not to use the bed for activities other than sleep...train your brain to recognize the bed as a resting place.

  • Enjoy a snack prior to bedtime: About an hour or so before your scheduled bedtime have a small snack that contains some carbohydrate and protein. The carbohydrate increases your serotonin and melatonin production, which helps promote sleep. The protein is also very important in that it regulates your blood sugar levels throughout the night. Most people don't realize that when you blood sugar drops at night you will have trouble sleeping. Many times having protein before bed can be an easy fix to insomnia. Sometimes I even have patients have a bit of protein in the middle of the night if they are having trouble sleeping and they will usually fall right back asleep.

  • Shower hydrotherapy: If you are having trouble with sleep, one very easy way to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system (the part of your body that helps your relax and sleep) is to take a shower before bedtime. This, however, is not just any regular shower. The key is to alternative between hot and cold water. Maybe 3 minutes hot water, then shock your body with 30 seconds of cold water. Repeat this cycle several times and it is very important to END IN COLD. Then jump out of the shower and hop straight into bed. Let your body warm up under the covers. Sounds bizarre, but this really calms the nervous system and promotes great sleep.

  • Lifestyle: Everything seems to revert to living a healthy lifestyle. But good diet and regular exercise cannot be overlooked.

  • Supplements: There are several OTC supplements and herbs that can help promote sleep. Always consult your physician before trying these, as some may interact with medications you may already be taking:

Hylands Homeopathic Calms Forte: Helps to relieve nervous tension and sleeplessness naturally.

Valerian Root: Valerian has long been used for it's sedative effects on the body and as a calmant for nervousness and tension.

5HTP: 5 Hydroxytryptophan is the metabolic precursor to the neurotransmitter SEROTONIN and MELATONIN. 5- HTP provides the quickest, most effective, and most consistent overall results in treating insomnia. It is an effective alternative for dealing with sleep problems in a safe and natural way compared to sleep medicines. 5-HTP improves the quality of sleep. More importantly, clinical studies show that 5- HTP is also useful in the treatment of sleep disorders other than insomnia.
5-HTP increases REM sleep significantly (typically by about 25 percent) while simultaneously increasing deep sleep stages 3 and 4 without increasing total sleep time. 5- HTP accomplishes this by shortening the amount of time you spend in sleep stages 1 and 2, which in certain ways are the least important stages of the cycle. The higher the dose, the more time spent in REM.

Melatonin: Melatonin is naturally produced by the pineal gland in the body and helps to maintain the body's circadian rhythm. Melatonin decreases as we age and often times supplementation can aid in promoting good sleep.

Acupuncture: Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help identify and treat any imbalances that may be contributing to your sleeplessness.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Mornings with Lemon Water.

Many of us already know the benefits of drinking plenty of water and proper hydration, but with the simple addition of fresh lemon juice you may have yourself a very healing beverage.

I recommend that many of my patients begin each day...first thing in the morning...before any other food or drink (and yes, that means before your coffee..) with a glass of warm or hot lemon water. Why lemon water you may ask? The benefits are remarkable:

  • After a nights sleep the lemon water provides an ideal flush to the body's systems..digestive, circulatory and elimination.

  • The lemon juice in particular is a great cleanser and purifier of blood, liver and kidney's.

  • Lemon juice (although acidic in nature) is anionic and therefore produces an alkalizing effect on the body. This is important because the more alkaline your body is, the healthier it is. Disease states only occur when the body pH is acidic. Being alkaline also helps further the detoxification processes.

  • Lemon juice is a great source of Vitamin C: supports immune function. Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron and B-vitamins are also in lemon juice

  • Lemon juice supports digestive function and can relieve conditions such as heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea and constipation.

By simply drinking a glass or warm or hot lemon water you can shift your body in to a better state of health and in the end...prevent many future illnesses. And isn't that what medicine should really be about: PREVENTION?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just Say "NO" to the Flu Shot....

It has been hard to ignore lately...the advertisements and marketing of FLU shots...at doctor's offices, clinics, pharmacies and even grocery stores. Yes, the time is upon us...FLU SEASON. With the critical time in the flu season being December-February, decision time is now. How do we best prepare our immune systems...do we "flu-shot" or do we have other options?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said a record 143 million to 146 million doses of influenza vaccine will be produced for use in the United States during the 2008-2009 influenza season. The government has expanded the number of people targeted for vaccination to include 86 percent of the U.S. population. The CDC, which previously targeted flu shots to children ages 6 month to 5 years, now says all children under the age of 19 should be vaccinated and recommends the vaccine for anyone at high risk of having serious flu complications or who lives with or cares for people at high risk for serious complications, including pregnant women and people 50 years of age and older.
It would lead us to believe that research varifying the effectiveness of the flu shot is the reason for the increase vaccination recommedation. But is this truly the case?
1. NO...Published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that flu shots prevent far fewer deaths in the elderly than previously thought.That report highlighted that although immunization rates in the elderly (people over 65) increased 50 percent in the past 20 years, there has not been a consequent decline in flu-related deaths.

2. Not to mention that to target the precise strains of flu that will affect the population in any given season is like finding a needle in a haystack, making it's effectiveness difficult to predict.

3. Many flu vaccines still contain thimerosal as a preservative. Thimerosal (mercury) is being investigated for its link to brain injury and autoimmune disease.

4. Moreover, the majority of illnesses characterized by fever, fatigue, cough and aching muscles are not caused by the influenza virus. Non-influenza viruses (e.g., rhinoviruses respiratory syncytial virus [RSV], adenoviruses, and parainfluenza viruses) can cause symptoms that look like the flu, but are not. The flu vaccine does not protect you against these.

5. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies continue to increase their profits with the increase in recommendations.

So how do we best protect ouselves against the flu if the vaccine may not be the answer? The best thing you can do is to start boosting your bodies natural immune function. Now is the time to start preparing you body if it is not part of your normal lifestyle.
  • A healthy immune systems starts with a healthy lifestyle. Whole foods (not processed), exercise, good sleep, address emotional stressors.

  • Wash hands!

  • Vitamin D...Research continues to show that as a population we are becoming more and more deficient in Vitamin D and our immune system is just one of the things that begins to suffer. In the winter months it is often difficult to get the adqueate requirements of sun and Vitamin D, so supplementation becomes necessary. I recommend that all my patients begin Vitmain D supplementation from October through the springtime to keep their immune systems and bodies strong.

  • Vitamin C...higher doses than you may think (2000mg/day). Help keep a stong immune respose.

  • Homeopathics....can increase you immunity naturally. Professional Complementary Health Formulas is a company that manufactures a "Flu Nosode" each year to help protect homeopathically against the years predicted flu strains. Also, products like Boiron's Oscillococcium (available OTC) are great in fighting the flu when you feel like you are coming down with it. It absolutley shortens the duration and severity of they symtoms you may experience with the flu.
  • Lomatium dissectum is an herb that has great anti-viral and anti-influenza properties. It can be taken in pill form or liquid tincture.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ten Thoughts on Whole Living.

I came across this list in body + soul magazine, written by Terri Trespicio. It resonated with me today and I thought it may with all of you as well:

Ten Thoughts onWhole Living.

  • You already possess all you need to stay calm. It's just a matter of practice.
  • Food isn't just fuel; it has the power to heal.
  • You can't slow the aging process by getting tough on your body. Be gentle instead.
  • Breathe deeply. Healthy, strong lungs fan the flames of well-being.
  • Pay close attention to the patterns in your life. They're the keys to the doors only you can open.
  • No one likes a lecture. Inspire by example.
  • You don't need a lot of time to get fit; you just need consistency.
  • Real, authentic change emerges only from a place of deep focus and intention.
  • When you really listen, without reacting or judging, things get a lot more clear.
  • Bad news gives us the rare chance to pause and reflect on what matters most.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Homeopathy Can Ease The Grieving Process

At some point in our lives we will have to face the loss of a loved one, sometimes it is sudden and at other times it is expected - in either circumstance the grief and sense of loss can be just as raw and all consuming. This grief not only affects us in the moment but may carry over for years affecting a person both psychologically and physically.

No doubt there is a natural period of mourning and although homeopathy cannot "cure" grief, homeopathy can help with coming to terms with grief and loss. It can provide support in the immediate time surrounding the event or can be used to address long standing emotions where the person never really seems to have come to terms with the loss.

For the immediate shock of hearing the bad news a homeopathic remedy such as Aconite may help, also don’t forget the First Aid effects of things like Rescue Remedy. Another Bach flower remedy which might help is Star of Bethlehem; this is indicated for shock and hearing bad news.

For the deeper or longer term effects of grief we need to consider the deeper more constitutional forms of homeopathic treatment. The following remedies might be relevant in a case of unresolved grief.

Aurum The grief that an Aurum patient experiences will plunge them into a marked depression even to a point of feeling suicidal, which might or might not be acted upon. They have a strong feeling of being forsaken by the person they have lost and will become oversensitive to many things. This remedy has a strong sense of doing one’s duty and grief can cause them to think that they have neglected their duty to the person who has died; they will carry guilt and self reproach for this. They take their responsibilities very seriously.

Away from the grief Aurum people tend to be high achievers and workaholics, they do not cope with failure or contradiction very well. They push themselves very hard and cannot settle for second best.

Physically they have a lot of heart and blood vessel pathology, after a death in the family this could be represented by the development of high blood pressure or angina. Sleep can be fitful with the person crying out in their sleep. There might be bone problems or bone pain.

Causticum This remedy has ‘ailments from injustice’ as one of its characteristics, in grief this is represented by a depression or anger where the person repeatedly claims the death of the person to be unfair. Before the event the Causticum patient might have a great sense of foreboding and fear that something terrible is going to happen. Sleep is greatly disturbed and the person cannot get comfortable in bed, tossing and turning or they wake with a start. They can be intensely sympathetic to those around them who are also bereaved.

They feel that they have no energy and that their arms and legs are heavy and difficult to move, there might also be sensations of numbness or tingling in the arms and legs, especially on the right side. Any symptom, either physical or emotional, can be more aggravated during the evening or early hours of the morning.

Ignatia This is one of the most important grief remedies in the homeopathic materia medica. Its main indication is when the person cannot motivate themselves; they tend to sit in a chair looking into the middle distance and sighing. In fact ‘sits and sighs’ is one of the main keynote indications of Ignatia. They tend to hold onto their grief rather than let it all out. Ever since the grief event they might suffer from headaches describing the pain as if a nail has been driven into the side of the head. They might show a shift in their character becoming oversensitive and nervous. They could have mood swings changing at the flick of a switch from joking and laughing to crying and sadness. In fact a contradictory mood or contradictory physical symptoms e.g. leg pains that are better for walking about is another key feature of this remedy.

Natrum muriaticum This is also a very big grief remedy. A typical Nat. mur. patient bottles everything up inside, they have the stereotypical ‘stiff upper lip’ attitude to problems and worries. They are refined and reserved, they will bear their suffering stoically and might only open up to a very close friend or family member, otherwise they hold their feelings in. They do not want consolation and any grieving will only be done in private and on their own. With regard to crying the Nat. mur. patient can go one of two ways, the more typical is that they cannot cry, the grief rises in them but stops at their throat and they can have a strong sensation of a lump in their throats. The less typical response is that they will weep freely, but still reject consolation when it is offered.

In their grief they might be so run down that they develop cold sores. Any ailment they present with is made worse in the sun. They have a morning aggravation where things are worse between 9 and 11am, this could include their mood. They can have problems with skin rashes and eruptions of various types - eczema being the most typical. A person requiring Nat. mur. could also present with a patchy looking tongue.

Pulsatilla If Nat. mur. is the epitome of the ‘stiff upper lip’ then Pulsatilla is the exact opposite. People requiring this remedy are not closed, they do not bottle up their emotions and want to off load to anybody who will listen. They are very tearful and want a lot of consolation. They do not want to be left alone and will try very hard to get people to stay with them, even to the point of putting themselves out in order to keep a person’s attention. They are very much people pleasers in every way. If they fail they can have a nasty flip side and can be quite spiteful to/about people they have failed to win over or feel have not made enough of a fuss of them.
Physically people requiring this remedy will feel much better for open air; having the windows open or long walks. They tend not to have a thirst and are averse to rich or fatty foods. A feature of this remedy is changeability - aches and pains are never the same or in the same place, they seem to wander round the body.

Staphisagria This remedy might be linked to grief via its keynote of resentment, there might be resentment and anger towards the person who has died leaving the patient on their own or to others around who are trying to help and console. The person requiring this remedy will be moody and depressed preferring to be on their own rather than have people fussing round them. They may be particularly sad, irritable or depressed after a fit of anger. They are easily offended and can become very indignant over things people say or do. They are snappy, but equally they might hold their anger and irritability inside which makes them even worse in the end.
The above are just a few of the many remedies that might be applicable to a case of grief. The effects of the remedy on the patient will be variable, for example the tightly buttoned down Nat. mur. might vent their grief and open the gates of their silent suffering, the effusive Pulsatilla will start to become more independent and begin to build their lives again. Thus homeopathy has a great deal to offer those who are suffering bereavement or feel that they have never quite got over a previous death. It can be a very gentle way of enabling a person to move on.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Detoxification Is An Important Element In Weight Loss.

There is no doubt that a clean diet and exercise are keys in healthy weight management. So why is it that many of us eat well and are active but still have difficulty in losing weight?

A few years ago, an interesting hypothesis on the present obesity epidemic emerged from the Occupational and Environmental Health Research Group at Stirling University in Scotland. The researchers pointed to evidence indicating that the body’s metabolism does not function properly in those suffering from obesity. Researchers went on to say that the current level of human exposure to synthetic organic and inorganic chemicals might be responsible for damaging many of the body’s natural weight-control mechanisms.

In a nutshell, the food additives, environmental toxins, herbicides, pesticides, medications, caffeine and household chemicals we are exposed to must be detoxified by our liver in order for our bodies to stay clean and healthy and for our metabolism to function properly.

The thousands of toxins that overwhelm our detoxification system increase our susceptibility to disease and hamper metabolism. So these toxins not only make us sick, they may in fact make us fat!

Your liver is not only the largest of the internal organs, it is your body’s premiere cleaning and removal station for both internal toxins (those produced by your own metabolism) as well as external toxins (including xenoestrogens). Many MD's believe that the liver can handle all the toxic load it is presented with and does not need to be supported in the detoxification process. However, our bodies and our liver are faced with many more toxins than they were 50 or so years ago, the liver is under more stress than ever and I do not believe it has adapted to detoxify the load it is presented with by modern lifestyle.

There are no miracles in weight loss. The best advice is to support you body in a healthy way with a clean diet and exercise. You also want to make sure that your body is functioning at optimum levels. Make sure that your hormones are balanced (including thyroid and stress hormones) and that your liver is detoxifying your body well. If you follow this advise, your metabolism and your body will balance itself and your healthy and optimum weight will be achieved.

Basics of Supporting Your Liver in Detoxification.

  • Avoid process foods and those with artificial colors, flavors, additives. Eat whole fruits, vegetables and grains. Especially those that are organic to reduce your toxic load.

  • Bitter leafy vegetables...lettuce, spinach, kale, ect....are especially detoxifiying.
  • Avoid household chemicals, pesticides and herbicides.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol and any kind of soda....especially "diet".
  • Drink water!

  • Start each morning by flushing out your liver. Before you eat or drink anything...have a tall glass of water with a good squeeze of lemon. It's even better if you can drink it hot, but room temperature is just fine.

  • Make sure that your bowels are moving at least 1-2 times per day....we want to make sure your body is getting rid of the toxins once your liver is clearing them.

  • Castor oil packs help the detoxification prossess...and keep the bowels movingregularly. http://www.edgarcayce.org/health/database/health_resources/castor_oil_packs.asp

  • Dry skin brushing....your skin is one of the largest detoxification organs and you want to make sure that it is open and can eliminate the toxins well. http://www.ehow.com/how_2277219_improve-skin-dry-skin-brushing.html

  • Multivitamin....many vitamins are essential in helping the liver detox.
  • Deep diaphragmatic breathing.

  • There are many detoxification protocols that can promote even greater liver clearing. Beware of OTC products and specific diets before consulting with your physician first.

Friday, August 22, 2008

FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

I came across this post by Mike Adams(NaturalNews) and felt it would be fitting to post it here:

The FDA has announced that beginning today, spinach and lettuce sold across the United States may now be secretly irradiated before it reaches grocery store shelves. What's "secret" about it? The FDA previously decided that irradiation warning stickers would not be required on any food items because it would be "too confusing to consumers." (The word IRRADIATION apparently has too many letters to be understood to food buyers.) Thus, irradiated foods will not be labeled as such, and consumers are going to be left in the dark about all this (except for those who actually eat the irradiated food, in which case they will glow in the dark).

The FDA, of course, insists that the levels of irradiation used to kill e.coli will have no effect whatsoever on the nutritional value of the food. This astonishing statement comes from an agency that doesn't believe food has any nutritional value in the first place, so lowering the value to zero by destroying all the phytonutrients does not, in the opinion of the FDA, alter its nutritional value at all. Thus, destroying all the anti-cancer nutrients in a head of broccoli merely brings that broccoli into "compliance" as a non-functional food, according to the FDA.

Radiation, of course, destroys delicate phytochemicals in plants -- the very phytochemicals protecting consumers against cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, inflammation and other diseases. Microwaving broccoli, for example, destroys up to 98% of its anti-cancer nutrients. (The FDA has not yet acknowledged this scientific fact, either.) In a similar way, irradiating food destroys much of its nutritional content, including vitamins, carotenoids, anthocyanins and other delicate protective nutrients that are right now providing the last, desperate nutritional defense against the American diet of meat, milk, fried foods and processed junk.

Irradiating fresh produce will leave the U.S. population is a state of extreme deficiency in protective plant-based nutrients.

Does the FDA plan to destroy the health of the U.S. population?

Many people suspect that's what the FDA really wants. A nutritionally-deficient, disease-ridden population would mean a windfall of profits for the FDA's buddies in Big Pharma -- the folks who sell patented medications at monopoly prices. With the food supply destroyed by radiation, ordinary people would have virtually no remaining sources of protective phytonutrients!

In promoting this food radiation policy, the FDA has accomplished what all the terrorists in the world could not: The mass irradiation of the U.S. food supply -- much like setting off a dirty bomb over the nation's farms (but with less radiation). This destruction of the nutritional value of the food supply is a far greater threat to the health of the U.S. population than any terrorist event, including 9/11. And yet it is being done by our own people, TO our own people, by a lawless agency that answers to no one. FDA officials are not voted into office by the People; they are appointed by politicians. They answer to no one, they refuse to follow federal law, and they operate as tyrants over a quarter of the U.S. economy.

And now they have taken it upon themselves to destroy the national food supply.We should be more than just alarmed -- we should be outraged! The FDA has committed an act of war against the People. With this decision, the FDA has firmly positioned itself as an enemy of the People, and a bringer of death and disease to the nation. Why are our elected representatives in Washington allowing this madness?

Think about this: If the FDA has its way:
• All your food will be irradiated, pasteurized or killed
• All your children will be vaccinated
• All your medicine will be based on pharmaceuticals
• All your free speech about health will be suppressed
• All informative labeling on food and supplements will be outlawed
• Growing and selling non-irradiated garden vegetables will become a crime!

Today it's spinach and lettuce; tomorrow it's all fresh produceDon't think the FDA will stop with spinach and lettuce, either. They're already talking about irradiating tomatoes, peppers and onions. Before long, radiation could become mandatory for ALL fresh produce, and all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are supposed to contain health-protecting nutrients will be transformed into sterile, inert plant mass with no health benefits at all. (Brilliant scam, huh?)

This is by design. I believe the FDA wants the American public to be sickened and diseased. Why else would they ban Free Speech about healing foods like cherries, broccoli and garlic? Why would they outlaw the selling of herbs and nutritional supplements that claim to treat and prevent disease? The FDA wants you to be sick, enslaved and medicated, and irradiating the food supply is the quickest way to accomplish that.He who controls the food controls the People.He who destroys the food can profit from the People's sickness.
The FDA's crimes against humanityIn pushing this radiation agenda, the FDA is committing a crime against humanity -- a nutritional atrocity that violates fundamental human rights. And yet the FDA's top decision makers continue to operate with zero oversight and zero accountability. They make decisions in a corporate-sponsored vacuum, absent any input from reasonable, health-conscious consumers or scientists. And because they have been granted tyrannical powers by Congress, the FDA operates above the law.

It is not subject to any laws whatsoever; not even the U.S. Constitution which is supposed to protect the People's right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" (as stated in the Declaration of Independence).The mass irradiation of the food supply is a violation of the "Life" part of that phrase, wouldn't you agree? If we can no longer buy nourishing foods with their nutrients intact, then we are all doomed to degenerative disease and death... but not before paying out our life savings to doctors, drug companies and hospitals. That's the evil genius of the food irradiation plot: It kills you slowly, at just the right pace to drain your bank account before you expire from malnutrition.

I truly believe this irradiation of the food supply is the beginning of the end of America. No nation can survive the destruction of its food supply. The FDA is dooming America to a slow, painful, medicated death. In a generation, this nation will be lost, destroyed from within by short-sighted tyrants who violated nature and left the People to rot.

What you can do right now to fight this latest transgression by the FDAFor starters, you can:
1) Grow your own food. A little gardening is good. Grow whatever you can, even if it's just a few kitchen herbs.
2) Buy your food at farmer's markets, coops and CSAs. See http://www.localharvest.org/csa
3) Ask your grocery store if they are buying irradiated spinach. If they don't know, demand they find out!
4) Raise hell with your Senators and Congresspeople, demanding they pass new laws protecting consumers from the FDA and its plot to destroy the nutritional value of the food supply.

Also, listen to two podcasts I've posted on this topic. The first was recorded several months ago, where I publicly predicted the FDA would do exactly what we're seeing right now. Listen to that podcast here: http://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Podcas...The second podcast was just posted today. I recorded it right before writing this article. It goes into much greater detail about the FDA's plot to destroy the health of the U.S. population. You can listen to that here: http://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Podcas...

Finally, don't stand for this food supply madness! Raise your voice. Write your local paper, call your representatives in Washington and tell them you strongly oppose the irradiation of the food supply. Teach people about phytonutrients. And stay tuned to NaturalNews as we continue to cover this important story.The FDA has gone mad. Criminally mad. It is an agency that will literally kill you if given the chance, and it is up to all of us to stop this madness before we lose our health, our children and our very nation.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation...A Natural Botox Alternative.

Have you ever noticed how beautiful the skin is of women in China? In addition to genetics, perhaps this is because facial rejuvenation originated in China many, many years ago. Facial rejuvenation has enabled many women to keep their skin beautiful by reducing fine lines, increasing elasticity and collagen in the their skin, firming up their facial muscles, and improving the quality of their skin through acupuncture and herbal therapies. It has become a safe and effective alternative to the use of therapies such as BOTOX and RESTYLANE.

This delicate use of acupuncture and essential oils is arranged in a sequence that develops collagen and stimulates rejuvenation processes. While your skin is reacting to the subtle stimulation, the treatment is also adjusting energy throughout your entire body. Each treatment is 1 hour long and is part of a ten treatment series. Each treatment consists of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, application of essential oils and acupressure massage of the face and declotte and stimulation with cooling jade. Maintenance sessions are scheduled according to the individuals needs after the initial series. Changes may be seen as soon as the first treatment is completed, but each succeeding treatment builds on the last. The program is safe, effective and brings with it none of the great expense, adverse effects or toxicity of more invasive approaches that involve drugs or surgery.

How Does Facial Rejuvenation Work?
According to the latest research in dermatology and Dr. Howard Murad, a professor of dermatology at UCLA and Vogue magazines proclaimed “One of America’s top dermatologists”, the problem is free radicals.
Aging skin ...wrinkles, sagging, enlarged pores, puffiness, thin and dry skin…is due to the damaged caused by free radicals.

Free radicals are destructive molecules. They destroy the integrity of other molecules. They first attack and destroy the walls of your skin cells. So if you imagine your cells as being like a water balloon. Free radicals are like a knife that pokes holes into it. The balloon will then leak like a sieve…and your cells become dehydrated. They become deflated and dehydrated, because all the vital fluid and nutrients have leaked out.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture helps restore the integrity of your skin cells by stimulating the nervous, circulatory and hormonal systems to boost collagen and elastin production.

What Are The Effects Of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture can actually take five to fifteen years off the face. Some of the most common effects of facial rejuvenation include:
· Reduction of fine lines
· Diminished deep wrinkles
· Droopy eyelids are lifted
· Jowls are firmed
· Under eye bags are reduced
· Puffiness around the eyes is reduced or eliminated
· Increase of blood and lymph circulation to the face increases skin moisture
· Increased collagen production
· Improved muscle tone
· Dermal contraction
· Tightening of pores
· Brightening of the eye area
· Improving hormonal balance to help with acne
· Reducing evidence of stress from the face
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation is a safe and effective alternative to the use of more invasive therapies such as BOTOX, RESTYLANE, RESURFACEING, CHEMICAL PEELS or even COSMETIC SURGERY.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cholesterol...Supplements vs. Statins

According to the American Heart Association an estimated 106.7 million adults in the United States have total blood cholesterol values of 200 mg/dL and higher, and of these about 37.2 million American adults have levels of 240 or above. Statin drugs remain the primary treatment for individuals diagnosed with high cholesterol levels, but they do come with numerous side effects and many of them are not benign.

For years well-meaning physicians have prescribed statins to lower cholesterol, because high levels have been thought to be a main predisposing factor to heart disease. Unfortunately, the body is not that simple. High cholesterol is not a direct link to heart disease, in fact we are not even sure if it is ONE of the links at this point. What we do know is that our bodies NEED cholesterol. It is vital in hormone development, nerve sheath development, brain health ect. If we are going to focus on the numbers game when in come to measuring cholesterol.....we should be equally as concerned about LOW levels of cholesterol as we are of high levels. The fact of the matter is if your levels are too high or too low it could suggest that your body is out of balance and may indicate that you make some lifestyle and/or dietary changes.

If your levels of cholesterol are significantly on the higher side and you and your physician wish to have them lower...there are other options aside from the statin drugs. Published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, a study conducted by cardiologist David Becker, MD of the University of Pennsylvania and his colleagues studied 74 people with high cholesterol.

Half took the statin drug Zocor and the other half took red yeast rice supplements. They were followed for 12 weeks.

The medication group took 40 milligrams of Zocor daily and received traditional counseling in the form of handouts on diet and exercise. The supplement group took three fish oil capsules twice daily. In addition, those with an LDL cholesterol higher than 160 mg/dL took 3.6 grams of red yeast rice daily, divided into two doses. If the initial LDL level was 160 or less, they took 2.4 grams of red yeast rice daily, divided into two doses.

The supplement group also attended weekly meetings and was taught about lifestyle changes by a cardiologist and a dietitian. The group was urged to follow a modified Mediterranean diet, limiting fat intake to less than 25% of daily total calories, and to exercise for 30 to 45 minutes five to six times a week.

"We followed them for a three-month period," Becker says. At the stuy's end, the levels of bad cholesterol had declined nearly the same amount in both groups. "The LDL declined 42% in the supplement group and 39% in the Zocor group," Becker says.
The supplement group also lost an average of 10 pounds in 12 weeks, but there was no significant weight loss in the medication group. Triglyceride levels, while on average normal in both groups at the start, decreased by 29% in the supplement group but just 9.3% in the medication group — a significant difference, Becker says.

Supplements and dietary/lifestyle changes can be a viable option in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels in many individuals and should be recommended prior to taking a statin drug.

If you have cholesterol levels above 240 mg/dL and more importantly have low levels of HDL (good cholesterol) or high triglycerides consider the following:

  • Modify your diet. Don't worry so much about the cholesterol levels in foods (cholesterol in food does not increase cholesterol systemically as we once thought) Focus on a diet low in processed foods, especially AVOID refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, refined carbohydrates (white breads, pastas, sweets, juices). Focus more so on a diet with whole grains, fresh fruit/vegetables, lean proteins, legumes.

  • Exercise...walk, play, get active. REGULARLY.

  • Omega 3 fish oil...2000mg per day. Try Nordic Naturals.

  • Red Yeast Rice extract as prescribed by your physician.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Honey Better Than Cough Medicine....

While in medical school I took a course on extracting herbs, making tinctures, decoctions and other natural remedies. One such item was a homemade natural cough syrup made from honey and sliced onions. Doesn't sound so tasty, but once the honey naturally broke down the onions, you were left with a sweet syrup and no onion undertones.

Recently, studies have placed a spotlight on honey. The Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine published a study where researchers studied 105 children between the ages of two and 18 who were having trouble sleeping due to cough. The participants were given either a small dose of buckwheat honey, honey-flavored dextromethorphan or no treatment at all a half-hour before bed.

Children who were given the honey had less frequent and severe nighttime coughing than either the children given dextromethorphan or those given no treatment at all.
Manuka Honey in particular is making headlines. It has been shown to kill resistant superbug bacteria that antibiotics are ineffective on. New products such as Medihoney are showing to be superior in the realm of wound healing and management and are being used in hospitals and doctor's offices throughout the world.

Homemade Cough Syrup
Here is a great recipe for a natural and effective cough syrup. This is non-toxic and excellent for that disturbing cough that keeps your kids up at night. Obviously, do not use this on children under the age of 1 where honey is not indicated.

1 large brown onion, peeled and thinly sliced.
Honey, preferably Manuka honey (this is made from tea-tree flowers)
1 glass jar slightly larger than the onion with a lid.

Place the sliced and peeled onion into the glass jar, tightly packed.
Cover with honey and close lid.
Let sit overnight. The onions will become dry as the honey extracts the onion juices out.
Remove the onion left-overs.
Keep refrigerated. Take as needed for cough.
Typical dose is 1 tablespoon for children under 6 and 2 tablespoons for 6 years and older.

DO NOT give honey to children under the age of 1.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dish Soap Can Help Save The World....And Oil.

With the cost of oil and gasoline on the rise, there has been plenty of discussion regarding the state of oil dependency in the U.S. and how we can reduce it.

I have been a proponent of environmentally safe, non-petroleum based household cleaners for several years and aside from the non-toxic and hypoallergenic benefits of such products we are also reducing our oil dependency.

If every household in the U.S. replaced just ONE bottle of 25 oz. petroleum-based dishwashing liquid with a natural plant based product...we could save...

81,000 barrels of oil.....enough to heat and coll 4,600 U.S. home for 1 YEAR!!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Yet Another Reason You Should Be Taking Omega 3...

(NaturalNews) A diet that contains fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids may help the body metabolize fat better and thereby gain less weight, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Kao Corporation in Tochigi, Japan, and published in the Journal of Nutrition.

Researchers took mice that had been bred with a predisposition to obesity and fed them a high-fat diet (containing 30 percent of its calories from fat) for five months. Half of the animals had this diet supplemented with 8 percent fish oil.The mice whose diet had been supplemented with fish oil showed greater activity of several genes related to the metabolism of fats, including carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a, cytochrome P450 4A10, and malic enzyme.

The mice whose diet had been supplemented with fish oil showed greater activity of several genes related to the metabolism of fats, including carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a, cytochrome P450 4A10, and malic enzyme.

The supplemented mice also showed greater activity of enzymes related to metabolism. Activity of enzymes related to fatty acid beta-oxidation was 1.2 times higher in the supplemented mice, while the activity of enzymes related to omega-oxidation and malic was 1.6 and 1.7 times higher, respectively.

The results follow a study conducted by researchers from the University of South Australia at Adelaide in May, which found that overweight adults between the ages of 25 and 65 who exercised and received a fish oil supplement each day reduced their fat mass by approximately 1.5 kilograms. In addition, blood triacylglycerol levels decreased by 14 percent, and blood levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol increased by 10 percent.

In the Australian study, participants were given 260 milligrams of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 60 mg or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) each day.

A third study, conducted by researchers from the University of Georgia in 2006, found that DHA appeared to decrease fat accumulation and positively influence the programmed death of fat cells.A number of studies have previously linked omega-3 fatty acids to improved cognitive function and decreased risk of cancer and heart disease.

Source: NaturalNews http://www.NaturalNews.com/023651.html

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

ADD/ADHD and Diet.

Recently, I had a family member consult me regarding the prescription of medication for her son who has been diagnosed with a "mild form of ADD". The physcian recommended that he be given a low dose of medication to treat his symptoms. Immediately her mother's intuition sparked and she felt that this may not be the best course of action, however, she didn't know what her options were.

Interestingly enough, many physicians may not tell you, but diet plays a huge role in symptomology produced by ADD or ADHD. Many times it is not considered in treatment, but The British Medical Journal stated recently that properly supervised trial eliminating colors and preservatives from the diet of hyperactive children should be considered a part of the STANDARD treatment.

If your child is experiencing symptoms consistent with ADD or ADHD consider the following dietary changes:

  • Eliminate artificial colors and flavors from their diet.
  • Make sure that the child is eating some protein with every meal and snack. Helps to regulate blood sugar.
  • Eliminate sodas and juices....even natural sugars can cause blood sugar spikes if the whole fruit is not eaten (the fiber of the fruit is the important part!).
  • Consider eliminating wheat and gluten from their diet. There are several links to gluten sensitivity and/or allergy in ADD/ADHD children.
  • A good quality multivitamin and Omega 3 supplement is a MUST!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gimme a Break....Statin Drugs Pushed on 8 Year Olds!

We have hit new low, the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee has announced that infants as young as two years old need to be screened for high cholesterol, and children as young as eight years old should be put on prescription statin drugs. This absurd advice is being offered even though statin drugs have never been tested on young children. Even so, the FDA has granted approval of statins in children as young as 8.

If these children do indeed have elevated cholesterol, we need to look at the underlying issue...nutrition and diet in America. The advice to "drug" them in no way corrects the problem, not to mention will most likely cause more. The list of side effects for statin drugs cautions me from prescribing them to an adult much less a child:
  • Memory Loss/ Mental Confustion
  • Muscle Breakdown /rhabdomyolysis
  • Nausea
  • Irritability / hostility
  • Homicidal impulses
  • Kidney failure
  • Diarrhea
  • Tingling or cramping in the legs
  • Problems sleeping
  • Constipation
  • Impaired muscle formation
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Temperature regulation problems
  • Nerve damage /neuropathy
  • Liver damage and abnormalities
  • Destruction of CoQ10, a vital nutrient for health

So why the recommendation of statins for children...why else... selling more pharmaceuticals equals more money$$$$ and there is your definition of MARKET EXPANSION.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Summer is here and so are the bugs. I personally avoid bug repellents with any chemicals, especially DEET, so what can one do to avoid getting bitten?

Research has shown that CATNIP OIL is 10 times more effective against mosquitoes than DEET! You can purchase a spray whose label lists Catnip oil, or neptalactone--or you can make your own by shaking 6 drops of oil in 3 ounces of water.

Enjoy summer!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Homeopathy and Hot Flashes

There is no doubt that many women entering their peri-menopausal and menopausal years are searching for some sort of relief from the symtoms commonly associated with this time of life. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has long been a mainstay, but does not come without it's controversey. Women should consider homeopathy as a first-line therapy before heading down the HRT path.

A study released in Homeopathy January 2008, reported on a multi-national, 99 physician study which studied the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment on hot flashes and quality of life. 438 patients with an average age of 55. Homeopathic medicines were prescribed to all patients; 98% of the prescription lines were for homeopathic medicines. Lachesis mutus, Belladonna, Sepia officinalis, Sulphur and Sanguinaria canadensis were the most prescribed. A non-homeopathic treatment and/or food supplement prescribed for 5% of the patients.

Ninety percent of the women reported disappearance or lessening of their symptoms, these changes mostly taking place within 15 days of starting homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathy is a effective and safe treatment option of menopausal symptoms, but it is not always easy to decide on a remedy without the consult of a physician. Here are some non-homeopathic treatment and supplement options:

  • PHYTOESTROGENS--Superstar soy phytoestrogens, found in soy foods, other legumes and plant foods, can bind to estrogen receptors in the body, exerting beneficial weak estrogen-like effects and anti-estrogen effects as well. The estrogen-like activity of phytoestrogens helps explain their ability to alleviate hot flashes in some menopausal women. Substantial research suggests that isoflavones, the phytoestrogens found in soy, also appear to decrease vaginal dryness, improve cholesterol levels, help prevent breast and uterine cancer and limit bone loss associated with menopause, notes Hudson in her book, Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. For those who do not like soy, isoflavone supplements are available (50-150mg/day).
  • VITAMIN E--may relieve hot flashes and vaginal dryness, based on research findings over the past 50 years. In a recent well-controlled study, breast cancer survivors taking 800 IU of vitamin E daily had fewer hot flashes than the placebo group, though the difference wasn't large. Look for natural vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) instead of the synthetic form (dl-alpha tocopherol). A formula with mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols (other forms of, or relatives of, vitamin E), in addition to d-alpha tocopherol, provides an even broader spectrum of antioxidant benefits (and vitamin E is very heart-friendly). A common recommendation is 400-600 IU per day.
  • BLACK COHOSH--Black cohosh extract is widely used to alleviate menopausal symptoms including hot flashes, depression and vaginal atrophy. The standardized extract of black cohosh has been the subject of six or more well-publicized studies with positive results. It may also alleviate night sweats, nervousness, headaches and heart palpitations. 80mg twice per day is recommended.
  • The list of supplements and botanicals that can help ease the menopausal transition and offer disease protection doesn't end there; St. John's wort, licorice, dong quai and numerous others may have benefits as well. The range of options emphasizes the importance of a knowledgeable practitioner's help.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Spring Cleaning!

Here in Chicago it seems as if winter has been dragging on forever and spring is getting a slow start...but make no mistake about it...spring is here! Many people get motivated to clean their houses and gardens in the face of spring, I get motivated to clean my body! This is indeed the time to be thinking about a spring body detoxification.

Detoxification or cleansing does get a unfortunate reputation among many allopathic physicians. The conventional thought is that the liver (one of our detoxification organs) can handle any load we place on it. I have to respectfully disagree. Our world today is nothing like it was even a hundred years ago and our bodies no matter how awe-inspiring and miraculous, simply do not adapt that rapidly.

We live in a toxic world. Our foods have changed, from processing to how we grow them. Our enviroment is littered with chemicals and pollutants. Even when we have the best of intentions by eating and living clean and conciously, it is simply just not enough. Each day our bodies are bombarded with hundreds of toxins. Where do these toxins go? They reside in our cells until our liver can detoxify them and our bowels and skin can eliminate them from our bodies. When our liver becomes polluted, it begins to affect digestion (gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea), energy production (slow and lethargic), mood (feelings of anger or irritability), and sets the stage for many chronic diseases (eczema, arthritis, PMS…to name a few.)

So what are some simple things we can do to cleanse our bodies for the spring?
  • Every morning before anything..even breakfast, drink the juice of 1/2 lemon squeezed into 8 oz. of warm water.
  • End each hot shower with 30 seconds of cold. Shower hydrotherapy can get the lymphatics moving!
  • Drink at least 1 L of distilled or spring water daily (2 L is better!) Herbal non-caffeinated tea counts.
  • Eat your veggies! Especially beets, broccoli, spinach, dandelion greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli raabe, cabbage…
  • Eat organic. Eating locally grown is even better (reducing your carbon-footprint) Go to http://www.stonyfield.com/Organic/EWGShoppersGuide.pdf for a guide to foods grown with the most amount of pesticides and therefore those that are most important to eat organically.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine (green tea is beneficial), refined sugar, white flour/pasta/bread, and processed foods.
  • Reduce animal products (meat, dairy, eggs.)
  • Ensure regular bowel movements (at least one daily) to remove toxins.
  • Get outside and move! At least 20 minutes of exercise to increase heart rate 3 times weekly. Walking at a brisk pace is a simple activity.
  • More specifically, there are herbs, supplements, and protocols that can be individualized for for annual or bi-annual detoxification. These are often a little more thorough and intensive, and naturopathic supervision is recommended.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Flu Vaccine Makers Preparing 143 Million Doses for Next Season

Hoping they picked the right viruses this time, the five companies that make influenza vaccine plan to offer at least 143 million doses to Americans for the 2008-2009 flu season, the Associated Press reports.

The 2007-2008 flu season was indeed a tough one and many say that it was partly due to the fact the viruses used in the flu vaccine were ineffective against many of the viruses that actually circulated in the population. It is not easy to predict the exact virus strain that will circulate in the up coming season. Is it really worth getting the flu vaccine at all?

I encourage my patients to really investigate the use of vaccines in this country. The flu vaccine indeed still contains the preservative thimerosal (50% mercury). In 1999, many other vaccines eliminated the use of thimerosal as a preservative, but the flu vaccine still contains it. Recently, a lawsuit alleging mercury causes autism is to begin in U.S. Court of Claims as two Oregon families seek to prove that the thimerosal found in vaccines caused two 10-year-old boys to develop autism.

Thimerosal is in question here and with mercury being a potent neurotoxin and the second most toxic substance known to man behind uranium. It is enough for me to personally say no to the Flu vaccine.

Aside from the Flu Vaccine, I would also take a closer look at the vaccines that contain live-viruses. This includes the combined measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine; chickenpox (varicella) vaccine; and the live-virus polio (Sabin) vaccine. Live-virus vaccinations hold a special risk due to the fact that free radicals can cause the latent viruses to transform by genetic mutation into disease-causing organisms later in life.

Finally, the schedule for vaccination needs to be investigated: Before a child reaches the age of two, he or she will have received 32 vaccinations on this schedule, including four doses each of vaccines for Hemophilus influenzae type b infections, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis -- all of them given during the first 12 months of life. Seven vaccines injected into a 13-pound, two-month old infant are equivalent to 70 doses in a 130-pound adult. Fifty years ago, when the immunization schedule contained only four vaccines (for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and smallpox), autism was virtually unknown. Health officials consider a vaccine to be safe if no bad reactions -- like seizures, intestinal obstruction or anaphylaxis -- occur acutely. The CDC has not done any studies to assess the long-term effects of its immunization schedule.

New knowledge in neuroimmunology (the study of how the brain's immune system works) raises serious questions about the wisdom of injecting vaccines in children less than 2 years of age. In humans, the most rapid period of brain development begins in the third trimester and continues over the first two years of extra uterine life. (By then, brain development is 80 percent complete.) Until randomized controlled trials demonstrate the safety of giving vaccines during this time of life, it would be prudent to question the administration of any vaccine to children under the age of 2-years.

As patients, we are our best advocates. I would never tell anyone what choice to make in terms of vaccination or any other health decision, we all know what is best for us as individuals. Education is the key. Knowledge is power. Consider this before you line up for your next flu shot or any other vaccination...

More information on vaccinations can be found at the National Vaccine information center: http://www.909shot.com/ and the Vaccine Awakening Blog at http://www.vaccineawakening.blogspot.com/

Friday, May 9, 2008

Are Osteoporosis Mediciations All They Are Cracked Up To Be?

28 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis, both men and women. The idea of having fragile bones and the likelihood of bone fracture can be a scary thought for many of us. We all want to age gracefully and maintain optimum health. In recent years, pharmaceuticals promising optimal and safe treatment for osteoporosis have been gaining popularity. We all have seen the television commercials with healthy, vibrant women doting on the benefits of biphosphonate drugs such as Fosamax and Boniva, but are these drugs all they are cracked up to be? The best thing we can do as patients is to be well informed.

I want everyone to think about this for a minute: your bones are designed to last a lifetime without drugs. Bone is, after all, a living, dynamic organ that constantly remodels itself through a process of resorption of old bone and laying down of new bone. And it’s completely normal to lose some bone around midlife. But that doesn’t mean you’re destined to get fractures. It’s your bone quality, not just bone density, that’s the issue here—and taking biphosphonate drugs puts your bone quality at risk.

The biphosphonates work by preventing bone resorption and loss. Inhibiting bone resorption secondarily inhibits the formation of new bone—and old bone is denser than new bone. It’s also more brittle than normal bone. So dense and hard, in fact, that it may be more difficult for this denser bone to maintain an adequate blood supply to ensure bone healing. Research on animals indicates that biphosphonates inhibit the normal repair of tiny fractures and porous bone (microdamage)—which eventually results in accumulation of microdamage and loss of bone strength. Worse yet, the biphosphonates are also associated with a very troublesome side effect known as osteonecrosis of the jaw—a side effect in which the jaw bone literally rots. Not only is this disfiguring, it’s very difficult to adequately treat. The biphosphonates have also been associated with the need for root canals and other dental problems. In fact, 60 percent of the cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw occur following dental surgery—probably secondary to the inability of this altered bone to heal itself.

So what can one do in the face of osteoporosis? First, look at your diet. If you are not getting at least 150o mg of calcium from your diet, consider supplementing the remainder with Calcium Citrate (the most absorbable form) Also, make sure if you are supplementing Calcium that you take an equal amount of Magnesium (Calcium will not get absorbed properly without Magnesium) You need to take these two in a 1:1 ratio.

Next, make sure you are taking a good Vitamin D supplement of 1000-2000 IU/day. Vitamin D deficiency is very common and you may need a higher dose, so consider asking you physician to test your levels.

Exercise, especially weight bearing cannot be overlooked, as well as simply living a healthy lifestyle free of alcohol and smoking.

These are some of the many safe and natural alternative treatments that respect the wisdom of the body.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Breastfeeding Boosts IQ

In medical school we learn that breastfeeding is optimal for child development. Naturopathically speaking, a child should be breast-fed EXCLUSIVELY for at least one year. This is not an easy task...it means not introducing ANY other foods into the childs diet for 1 YEAR. Not only is it important to the proper development of a child, including imunological, but also to help prevent any food allergies in the future. It has not been until now that a long term study has emerged solidifing such recommendations: Exclusive, long-term breastfeeding improves a child's verbal intelligence and other intelligence measures, says researcher Michael S. Kramer, MD, professor of pediatrics, epidemiology and biostatistics at the McGill University Faculty of Medicine in Montreal.
The study was published in the May edition of Archives of General Psychiatry.

Kramer and his colleagues looked at almost 14,000 children in Belarus who visited 31 hospitals and clinics there. The participants are part of the large-scale study known as the Promotion of Breastfeeding Intervention Trial (PROBIT). The researchers assigned half to an intervention that encouraged them to breastfeed exclusively long term or to another group that got the usual maternity care and child care. Children who were breastfed longer scored higher on average at age 6 1/2 years in verbal intelligence, nonverbal intelligence, and overall intelligence, Kramer finds. Teachers rated them higher in reading and writing than children who weren't breastfed as long or as exclusively.

Whether the boost in IQ is due to the breast milk itself — such as healthy fatty acids or other substances — or the physical and social interaction that is part and parcel of breastfeeding is unknown, Kramer and others say.
"A mother who breastfeeds is likely to spend more time with her child," he says, as well as read to them later and do other activities. "The amount of time, the closeness, the way she interacts with the kids, undoubtedly differs between breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding mothers."

BREAST is still BEST. Now if we could just get over the whole breast-feeding in public thing....

Kramer, M. Archives of General Psychiatry, May 2008; vol 65: pp 578-84. Michael S. Kramer, MD, professor of pediatrics and epidemiology and biostatistics, McGill University Faculty of Medicine.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's Back.....Allergy Season!

According to conservative estimates, approximately 15 million people suffer from hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and 17 million more from asthma.

An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system overreacts to a seemingly harmless substance. Allergens are absorbed into the body by the way of skin, nasal passages, lungs, or digestive tract. Once inside the body, the allergens stimulate the lymphocytes (white blood cells) to produce what is known as allergic antibodies. The reaction between allergens and these antibodies is what produces inflammation of the nose, eyes, lungs and digestive tract. A stuffy nose, sneezing, wheezing, skin rash, watery eyes, nausea and stomach cramps are some of the common results.

The common allopathic or traditional medical approach is to reduce the inflammation with such medications are steroids. But this approach does nothing to get to the "root" of why the allergy is happening in the first place.

Adrenal insufficiency is a major cause of allergies relating to dust, pollen, animal hair/dander, foods, chemicals and environmental pollutants. Nutrition and stress play important roles in the proper functioning of the adrenal glands. A stagnant liver congested with toxins and fatty tissue cannot effectively then neutralize an allergic reaction.

Allergies can be overcome by simply treating the root cause of the problem. Addressing adrenal insufficiency and liver congestion are at the forefront of treatment. There are also some simple homeopathics that can help desensitize your body to the specific allergens. Either way, addressing the root of your allergies is nothing to "sneeze" at. It can help you be rid of that hay fever for good!

I will be offering a class on how best to overcome allergies at Whole Foods in Lakeview in the next month. I will keep everyone posted!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's All In Your Mind: Brain Health

Have you ever misplaced your car keys? Jot down notes to yourself, to do this or that? We all have. As we age structural and functional changes occur in the brain. The decrease in brain mass, white matter and chemical messengers, however, is not necessarily related to cognitive decline and contrary to what was once thought, we do not lose neurons but continue to form them as we age.
The new trends in neuroscience are to look for other causes for the deterioration of brain function. Among these is to research the role of whole body inflammation in brain health. As it turns out, the latest news reveals that the health of your brain and heart are closely related. Just as you would maintain a healthy lifestyle and nutritional habits to ward off heart disease and stoke, it appears that brain health is benefited as well.

Brain Boosting Prescription

■ Eat a Brain and Body Healthy Diet
Eating an anti-inflammatory diet that focuses on good fats (Omega-3), good carbs,
antioxidants and calorie monitoring can keep the brain and the body healthy.

The brain is comprised of approximately 60 percent fatty acids. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA), like the Omega-3’s found in cold-water fish, flaxseed and nuts improve communication between the brain cells and are also vital in controlling chronic inflammatory processes that affect such conditions as heart disease, arthritis and cognitive deterioration. Fish eaten at least twice weekly, or Omega-3’s taken as a daily supplement can improve levels.
Good carbohydrates, like those found in fruits and vegetables are valued for their brain-preserving antioxidants. Included are dark leafy green vegetables like spinach and berry varieties like blueberries or goji berries. Other antioxidants that help prevent cognitive decline are black or green tea and dark chocolate.

■ Exercise Your Brain
The brain is a muscle like any other. It requires exercise to stay fit. Reading, doing puzzles like sudoku, or playing musical instruments can significantly protect the brain from cognitive decline.

■ Supplement Your Brain
There are a variety of supplements that show promise in the realm of brain health. Among them are Ginkgo Biloba and Curcumin. Ginkgo can improve blood circulation to the brain and slow the progression of cognitive decline and Curcumin is high in both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties benefiting the brain.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do We Really Need To Take Supplements?

It is not uncommon that I get asked the question of whether we really need to supplement our diet with vitamins or minerals. Many patients of mine who are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet believe that they are getting adequate amounts of nutrients in their food. Unfortunately, the state of our food supply has changed. Although it is important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains and protein, these foods are nutritionally defcient compared to those cultivated even 50 years ago. Why?

Brian Halweil, senior researcher at The Worldwatch Institute and author of "Still No Free Lunch: Nutrient levels in U.S. food supply eroded by pursuit of high yields" cited data in his September 2007 study from findings collected by David Thomas from 1940 to 1991.

"A person would have had to eat three apples in 1991 to supply the same iron content as one in 1940."

The use of pesiticides and fertilizers is one probable explanation for the depletion of nutrients in our food. They allow the plant to grow rapidly and to a larger size, but diminsh the amount of time the plant has to absorb nutrients from the ground. In this case, organic foods grown without the use fo pesticides and chemincal fertilizers may be superior and we should consume organically grown foods when we can. Here are some other findings from Halweil's study:

"Spinach's potassium content dropped by 53 percent, its phosphorus by 70 percent, its iron by 60 percent and its copper by 96 percent."

"The iron content of meat products declined by an average of 54 percent. (The double-digit declines in the nutrient quality of meat and dairy products are some of the first indications that consumption of less nutrient-dense animal feed grains and forages has a measurable impact on the animals eating them, and perhaps secondarily, on people consuming the meat and milk from such animals.)" In other words, maybe we should rethink putting herbivores on an unnatural diet of grain. We are what our food eats.

Other nuggets from Halweil's report:

"Substantial data show that in corn, wheat and soybeans, the higher the yield, the lower the protein and oil content."

"The higher tomato yields (in terms of harvest weight), the lower the concentration of vitamin C, levels of lycopene (the key antioxidant that make tomatoes red) and beta-carotene (a vitamin A precursor.)"

"High production dairy cows produce milk that is less concentrated with fat, protein and other nutrition-enhancing components and are also more vulnerable to a range of metabolic diseases, infections and reproductive problems."

"Tactics farms use to increase yields--including close plant spacing and the widespread use of chemical fertilizers, irrigation and pesticides--tend to create big plants that grow fast, but do not absorb a comparable quantity of many soil nutrients."

It is difficult to eat 100% organic, but buying in season and from local farmers can help keep the costs down and support your local community. Even so, I find that many individuals peak out at about 50% organic consumption. In my experience, I find we have to therefore supplement our diet with AT LEAST a good Multivitamin/Multimineral. (But, read your label....please avoid supplements that have too many "Additional Ingredients." Stick to a capsule versus a tablet to avoid binders and fillers and please buy from reputable stores like Whole Foods or from your physician.) Oh, and a Omega 3 EFA is important too...but that's another topic another day...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Naturopathic Medicine...healthcare reform

I figured it would be fitting that my first blog post be about NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE and what it is. I have been a physician for 6 years now and still encounter people who are unsure of what naturopathic medicine is and how it might fit into their lifestyle and healthcare routines. It is especially fitting now that so much conversation is taking place in regards to healthcare reform here in the US.

Naturopathic medicine has been a medicial profession now for over 100 years. Although it has experienced a decline in the 1940's and 1950's due to the development of many pharmaceuticals, it is now in demand.

A Naturopathic doctor is someone who is trained as a General Practitioner in a 4 year accredited medical school. On top of being trained in the traditional aspects of medicine, including pharmaceuticals, we are trained with a specialty in natural medicine and integrative medicine.

We believe that the body is a remarkable organism that can heal itself given the right support. By optimizing nutrition and utilizing the healing aspects of herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic medicine and even Chinese medicine/acupuncture, Naturopathic doctors can treat anything from the common cold to body pain to digestive troubles to fibromyalgia and fatigue and so on.

This blog is dedicated to providing insight on how we can live healthy lifestyles and treat some of our health difficulites utlizing natural healthcare options.